
Risk or Pool Admins


function setSiloedBorrowing(address asset, bool newSiloed) external

Call Params

assetaddressaddress of reserve’s underlying asset.
newSiloedboolEnable/Disable SIloed Borrowing for the reserve.
  • enableBorrowingOnReserve

  • disableBorrowingOnReserve

  • configureReserveAsCollateral

  • enableReserveStableRate

  • disableReserveStableRate

  • freezeReserve

  • unfreezeReserve

  • setBorrowableInIsolation

  • setReserveFactor

  • setDebtCeiling

  • setSiloedBorrowing

  • setBorrowCap

    setBorrowCap (asset, newBorrowCap)

    Allows RISK_ADMIN and POOL_ADMIN to add/update cap on the total borrow that can be borrowed from the reserve. Once the borrow cap is reached, no more borrow (variable or stable) for the given reserve asset can be initiated.

    Param NameTypeDescription
    assetaddressAddress of the underlying asset.

    Borrow cap in whole tokens.
    borrowCap == 0 => no cap

  • setSupplyCap

    setSupplyCap (asset, newSupplyCap)

    Allows RISK_ADMIN and POOL_ADMIN to add/update liquidity supply cap on the reserve. Once the supply cap is reached, no more liquidity for the given reserve asset can be supplied to the pool.

    Param NameTypeDescription
    assetaddressAddress of the underlying asset.

    Supply cap in whole tokens.
    supplyCap == 0 => no cap

  • setLiquidationProtocolFee

  • setEModeCategory

    setEModeCategory (categoryId, ltv, liquidationThreshold, liquidationBonus, oracle, label)

    Allows RISK_ADMIN and POOL_ADMINS to configure existing or add new eModeCategory


    Category id ≠ 0
    NOTE: category 0 is reserved for default category i.e. non-eMode


    Loan to value for given eMode categoryId.
    Must be ≤ liquidationThreshold

    liquidationThresholduint16Liquidation threshold for given eMode categoryId.
    liquidationBonusuint16Liquidation bonus for given eMode categoryId
    oracleaddressAddress of custom price oracle for category
    labelstringCustom label for the category

  • setAssetEModeCategory

    setAssetEModeCategory(address asset, uint8 categoryId)

    Allows RISK_ADMIN and POOL_ADMINS to configure eModeCategory of an asset.

    Param NameTypeDescription
    assetaddressAddress of the reserve asset being configured

    ≠ 0 one of the already defined eModeCategory
    = 0 for default aka non-eMode category

  • setUnbackedMintCap

  • setReserveInterestRateStrategyAddress

Asset Listing or Pool Admins

  • initReserves

Only Pool Admin

  • dropReserve
  • updateAToken
  • updateStableDebtToken
  • updateVariableDebtToken
  • activateReserve
  • deactivateReserve
  • updateBridgeProtocolFee
  • updateFlashloanPremiumTotal
  • updateFlashloanPremiumToProtocol